Lauren C


I am looking to bring my enduring interest in knowledge accessibility to my technical writing career. Knowledge can lead to amazing insights. Getting knowledge out there depends on many factors, one of which is the ability to understand how it is communicated. From collaborating with experts to writing for your audiences, I find the technical writing process is an appealing problem-solving endeavor.

I have been a software developer and engineering manager and technical writing has been a part of each of these roles. I have degrees in computer science and anthropology and am always looking into what I can learn next.

I bring experience with building teams, collaborating across boundaries, creating and improving organizational processes, writing software, managing projects, and, of course, technical writing.

In my off time I like reading and doing hand embroidery. I am also a powerlifter and have held two Oregon state records in the squat and bench press.

You can find my portfolio on this site: Portfolio

Get in contact with me on LinkedIn: LinkedIn

And find the source code for this site at GitHub: Code